Tuesday, 1 November 2016

How SEO is Equivalent to Fitness

In order for your business to rank well on search engine results pages, it will take time with steady work, just like getting in shape does. 

While at first glance it seems the two have nothing in common, both the SEO and the fitness industries share many characteristics:

1.    No Guaranteed Results.  SEO consultants and Fitness Instructors can only do so much as far as planning and execution goes.  When it is all said and done, it is truly up to the client to get the results they are looking for.  Hard work and making the initial move comes on their end, and cannot be delivered by the consultant or instructor.
2.    Both Follow a Long-Term Plan.  Great SEO as well as a great body do not happen overnight. Optimization initiatives as well as a workout plan that is implemented over time will bear long lasting results.
3.    No Short Cuts.  If someone tries to tell you there is one, it will not work over an extended period of time and it will cause some serious side effects. Just as a diet pill will not make a lazy person an olympic athlete, neither will an automated link-building program make an SEO campaign rise to the top of the SERPs.

4.    The Playing Field is Not Level.  Not every company nor person has what it takes to be number one.  That’s why there is only one number one!  Know that your business might not ever be the number one ranking local SEO company in the area, but still try hard and achieve great results.
5.    Motivation is Important. In both industries, motivation should not be brought on by the need to win approval of others. In sports, a person should be motivated to live a well balanced lifestyle and to get his or her body in the best shape possible.  In SEO, there may not always be success with each and every search engine. However, optimization for search engines will help in short-term setbacks.
6.    Measuring Progress is Key. Without any sort of metrics, it is impossible to know how far you’ve come.  Measuring is absolutely necessary to know the progress you have made.

7.    If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true.  Just as aspiring athletes should not fall for quick fixes and over night weight loss pills, SEO users shouldn’t rely on black hat SEO and gimmicks.